HoopGrids has released its newest grid challenge for today, July 25. The daily NBA trivia game has been keeping basketball fans entertained throughout the offseason, with new fans joining in on the fun every day.
Some are able to complete the daily grid by themselves. However, others sometimes get puzzled and need some help solving the clues for one or two grid squares.
On that note, here are the clues for today's Hoop Grid:
70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
'; }); pollOptions.innerHTML = pollOptionsDom; pollCount.innerHTML = totalVotes + ' votes'; if (totalVotes > 10) { pollCount.classList.remove("hidden"); } } function trackBetsTodayPollImpression() { var intersectionObserverForArticlePoll = new IntersectionObserver( function(entries) { entries.forEach(function(entry) { var pollId = entry.target.getAttribute("data-poll-id"); if (POLLS_BY_ID[pollId]['impression_tracked']) return; if (!entry.target || !entry.isIntersecting || entry.intersectionRatio < 0.5) return; setTimeout(function() { if (isInViewport(entry.target)) { POLLS_BY_ID[pollId]['impression_tracked'] = true; var isDesktop = "1"; var gaPayload = { "question" : POLLS_BY_ID[pollId]['question'], "category": "Basketball", "page_url": window.location.href, "option1": POLLS_BY_ID[pollId]['option1'], "option2": POLLS_BY_ID[pollId]['option2'], } if (isDesktop) { gaPayload["device"] = "Desktop"; } else { gaPayload["device"] = "Mobile"; } gtag("event", "BETS_TODAY_POLL_IMPRESSION", gaPayload); intersectionObserverForArticlePoll.unobserve(entry.target); } }, 1000); }); }, { threshold: 0.5 } ); var pollElements = document.querySelectorAll('.bets-today-poll'); pollElements.forEach(function(pollElement) { var isAnswered = pollElement.querySelector(".poll-option-answered"); if (!isAnswered) { intersectionObserverForArticlePoll.observe(pollElement); } }) } return { answerPollX: answerPollX, }; }();Grid Square 1: NBA player who has played for the Portland Trail Blazers and the Denver Nuggets.
Grid Square 2: NBA player who has played for the Portland Trail Blazers and the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Grid Square 3: NBA player who has played for the Portland Trail Blazers and has scored 40+ points in a playoff game.
Grid Square 4: NBA player who has played for the Dallas Mavericks and the Denver Nuggets.
Grid Square 5: NBA player who has played for the Dallas Mavericks and the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Grid Square 6: NBA player who has played for the Dallas Mavericks and has scored 40+ points in a playoff game.
Grid Square 7: NBA player who has played for the LA Lakers and the Denver Nuggets.
Grid Square 8: NBA player who has played for the LA Lakers and the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Grid Square 9: NBA player who has played for the LA Lakers and has scored 40+ points in a playoff game.
Today’s full Hoop Grid is as follows:
For today's Hoop Grid, here is a focus on the answers to grid squares 4 and 7: Which Denver Nuggets players have played for either the Dallas Mavericks or the LA Lakers?
Three-time NBA champion big man JaVale McGee played for both the Nuggets and the Mavericks. Denver and Dallas mark two of the eight franchises that McGee played for over his 15-year NBA career.
Meanwhile, NBA legend Carmelo Anthony played for both the Nuggets and the Lakers. The 10-time All-Star was drafted No. 3 by Denver in the 2003 NBA Draft and went on to play his first eight seasons with the franchise. He later finished his career in LA, playing his 19th and final season with the Lakers.
More NBA HoopGrids answers for July 25
Other players who have played for the Denver Nuggets and the Dallas Mavericks include DeAndre Jordan, Richard Jefferson, Jameer Nelson, Corey Brewer and Raymond Felton.
Meanwhile, Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, Isaiah Thomas, Nick Young, Malik Beasley and Jarred Vanderbilt have all suited up for the Nuggets and the LA Lakers.
Here is an example of a completed version of today’s Hoop Grid:
Also read: Which Lakers stars also played for the Nuggets and Cavaliers? NBA HoopGrids answers for July 25
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