How to access the Gate of Harmony in Lost Ark

Posted by Billy Koelling on Saturday, June 8, 2024

Lost Ark packs hours of content into its enormous game world, featuring endless fun things to do for solo players and groups. On top of the fun and challenges of the events, there's tons of great loot to be earned through these activities.

The Gate of Harmony is a co-op challenge that pits teams against each other in defeating large sea creatures. By taking on this quest, players can earn great rewards and participate in a fun minigame.

Unlocking the Gate of Harmony in Lost Ark

Before players can take on the Gate of Harmony quest, they'll have to acquire the Key of Balance. This will require some timing and execution but can be pulled off with a group of dedicated fellow players.

First, look to the sailing menu and undertake a mission in Vern, Arthetine, or Anikka. The menu should lay out its physical location, as well as the schedule that governs it. These missions will only be available at certain times, so keep an eye on the clock.

Players will need to find the daily co-op mission in one of the three areas. This mission should be called "Catch Jellyfish!." This simply requires the player to defeat a variety of jellyfish, but it's a timed event.

After defeating this brief challenge, players should be rewarded with a small pile of coins and the Key of Balance. With that key, players can take on the Gate of Harmony.

Taking on the Gate of Harmony in Lost Ark

Lost Ark players must first find the gate before entering the challenge. Set sail from Port Krona and sail northeast, right between North Vern and Arthetine. It will reveal itself as a huge round chasm in the middle of the ocean.

While in the area, players only need to wait for the right time, and the event should begin without issue at the appointed time. Once the event begins, players will be split into two teams and the battle begins.

The two teams will be tasked with shooting a variety of undersea creatures. The team that slays the most fish will be the winner. Fear not, however, both the winner and the loser will receive the reward for the Gate of Harmony.

The reward is a Chest of Harmony, and that's where the Key of Balance comes in. Players can unlock the chest with the key and claim the Gienah's Coin within.

Lost Ark players can take on this event as often as they like, within its strict time limits. With multiple keys, they can take home as many coins as they can by playing again and again.

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