10 Reasons You Should be Following Blake Lively on Instagram

Posted by Artie Phelan on Friday, June 28, 2024

These days, people have a tendency to follow just about everybody on social media. Everyone has their favorite platform, whether it’s Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, or Instagram. While Facebook is the one that most people think of when someone mentions social media, other platforms such as Instagram are rapidly catching up to the giant that seemed to start the whole social media craze. There are a lot of reasons why people like Instagram, mainly because they can post pictures of various things and have a discussion about it. It’s sort of like combining Pinterest and Facebook into a single entity. It gives you the best of both worlds, without a lot of frustration to go with it.

As such, many celebrities use Instagram for different reasons and they post information about all kinds of things. One of the people that seems to be most active on the site is Blake Lively. You undoubtedly recognize the name from the myriad of television and movie projects that she’s been involved with over the years. While she certainly doesn’t show any signs of slowing down, she’s also got a lot of other interests that aren’t necessarily related to show business. If you follow her on Instagram, you can find out more about her professional endeavors and other things that are more personal to her. Below are 10 reasons that you might consider following Blake Lively on Instagram.

1. She’s interesting

This person that has an exceptional amount of talent and she’s involved in a lot of projects, both on screen and off, that are interesting. There’s no telling what you might learn if you decide to follow her on Instagram.

2. She’s popular

People have a tendency to follow celebrities for a lot of different reasons. The more popular the celebrity in question, the more people seem to want to know about them. She already has several followers on Instagram, thanks in large part to her popularity. If you’re a fan of hers or the projects that she’s worked on in the past, it only makes sense that you might be interested to know what she’s doing in the future.

3. You can find out more about her future projects

Celebrities can’t always talk about the projects they’re working on and in some cases, they’re limited on what they are allowed to say. With that being said, you can usually find out more about the projects that Lively is currently working on, not to mention some that she plans on doing in the future. This is good news for fans because it allows them to stay abreast of her career without missing anything they might be interested in.

4. She follows Ryan Reynolds

This is another celebrity that has quite a large following and he just happens to be her husband. Therefore, it’s sort of like getting two for one. If you follow her, you also get to know what he’s up to because she follows and reposts everything that he does.

5. It’s great for movie buffs

If one of the movies that she has worked on just happens to be your favorite, this is a great way to find out more information about it, stuff that you might not always be able to read about elsewhere. Wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly what went on behind the scenes and what it was like filming a project from one day to the next?

6. You can get some great recipes

Sometimes, people get the idea that celebrities aren’t real people and all they see is the person in front of the camera. Following Lively on Instagram reminds you that these are people that have lives aside from all the glitz and glamour, just like everybody else. Lively just happens to love cooking and baking, so if you follow her on Instagram, you’re probably going to get some great recipes along the way.

7. You might even get tips on home decor

One of the things that’s very important to Lively is creating a home that’s welcoming and inviting. She enjoys being involved in decorating her home and keeping it fresh. If you’re interested in the same thing, you might be able to get a few tips from her own interests that you can use

8. What about hand-crafted items?

You might be surprised that an actress as successful as Lively has time to deal with hand-crafted items, but it’s something she loves to get involved with. When you follow her on Instagram, you have the chance to learn what she’s making and better yet, how to make something similar for yourself.

9. She’s involved in advocacy

Lively believes in everyone being treated fairly and she’s involved in a lot of different advocacy groups that cater to that belief, especially when it comes to the way women are treated. If you have a similar stance on things, you might be able to find out about groups that you didn’t even know about before, maybe something that speaks to your own heart.

10. She’s involved in politics

Granted, this is a hot-button issue these days but it’s important to hear what people have to say. Lively has never been shy about letting people who follow her on Instagram know who she supports. At the very least, it’s a way for you to become more educated about politics, and that is something everyone should take very seriously.
